Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Create your own pictures motion video

In the past few weeks I have been asked by some RE estate professionals how they could create some nice videos about listings by using pictures they took during a view. Here is a nice guide on how to do it.

Benefits of featuring on YouTube:

1) Videos are searchable on Google using keywords set by YOU;
2) You can see how many people viewed your video;
3) You can share the video and send the link in your email;
4) Videos can be displayed on phones and TV;

Necessary logins and software:
1) Open an account on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/signup?next=/index);
2) Download and install Windows Media Player 10 (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/10/default.aspx);
3) Download and install Windows Photo Story 3(http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default.mspx);

How to create a pictures motion video
Once you have downloaded and installed the software listed above, open “Windows Photo Story 3” (WPS3), select “Begin a new story” and click “Next”.

Import and arrange your pictures
Click the “Import Pictures” button and look for the folder where your pictures are located in your computer (for best result the pictures should be all horizontal or all vertical). Select the pictures you want to import (multiple photo selection by keeping pressed the “CTRL” button and click with the left button of the mouse) and click “OK”. Now, Click on the link “Remove black borders…” and select “Yes to all” (it’s up to you to choose another option). Click “OK” and “Next”.

Add captions to your pictures
You have the options to add “Effects” and “Title” to your pictures (if you have the time, you might play around with them). Don’t enter anything and click “Next”.

Narrate your pictures and customize motion
You can “Customize the transition”. Just keep the default and click “Next”.

Add background music
If you have a music file in your computer, you can click the “Select Music…” button and browse the folder location of your music file. If instead you don’t have any music file, just click the “Create Music…” button, select the genre, style, band, etc., click “OK” and click “Next”.

Save your story
In the “Activities” box, select “Save your story for playback on your computer” (default) and in the “File name”, specify where you want to save the file on your computer. Click “Next”. The program will save your story and you are done, just remember where you saved it!

Upload your video onto YouTube
Login onto your YouTube account (http://www.youtube.com/login?next=/index). On the top right navigation, select “My Videos” from the pull down menu on your user name link. Click on the yellow button “Upload “ and select “Video File” (top right). Click on the browse button and locate on your computer where you saved your story (pictures motion video file). Select the file and click the “Upload Video” button.

Set video title, description and keywords
While the file is uploading, update the Title field with something meaningful to your listing (ie: “514 West 18th, #7H - Beautiful apartment size, etc, etc...”). In the Description box, type a nice description complete of your contact info and link to your web listing (** very important). In the Tags field, enter key words separated by spaces, so the video can be found on Google (ie: “514 west 18th 7H two bedroom Chelsea Manhattan etc. etc.”). Check the Privacy option on “Share your video with the world” and click the “Save Changes” button.


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